Jan 27, 2021

You Have to Start Drinking a Gallon of Water A Day

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many people are way more dehydrated than they think they are! According to, “A survey of 3,003 Americans found that 75 percent likely had a net fluid loss, resulting in chronic dehydration. Although the survey found that Americans drank about eight servings of hydrating beverages per day, this is offset by drinking caffeinated beverages and alcohol and eating a diet high in sodium.” That’s INSANE. I, personally, drink an entire gallon of water every single day! There are an immense amount of positive effects of drinking a gallon of water a day. Yep, a gallon! I know that may sound like a ton of water, but it’s really doable!

I, personally, have been drinking a gallon of water everyday for about 5 months and it has transformed my body, skin, and mood!

Honestly, even though I pee a lot more than I did before, I love drinking so much water! It improves my mood so much and helps me to feel good throughout the day.

There are so many benefits of drinking a gallon of water. Here are only three that have been so apparent in my life!

Weight Loss

This is not something I expected to happen so drastically after adding more water to my everyday routine! With that being said, the change in my body was practically instantaneous. Honestly, I still think it’s so crazy. I’ve gained a lot of self confidence through drinking a lot of water because it really has impacted my weight and bloating. Possibly the most noticeable part of drinking so much water is a complete disappearance of bloating. You might think that the more water you drink, the more bloating you’ll see, but in reality, the more water you drink, the less your body retains so you’re far less bloated! Its transformed my body image and it is so easy to implement in your life and routine!

Skin Improvement

I’m sure you’ve heard people boasted about their skin becoming so clear after drinking a lot of water, but it’s no joke. Water really is the best skin care product that you could use! According to analysts at UW Health, “Drink more water. Drinking at least 8 glasses a day will help rid the body and skin of toxins. Everyone will not agree that water consumption will improve skin… but it certainly can’t hurt. Many people often report that by increasing their water intake, their skin has a more radiant glow.” Drinking water can help your spots go away and gives your skin more radiance!

Mood Boosts

This is the hardest to measure, but I promise it’s true! I feel like I’ve been in a much better mood recently and have WAY more energy throughout the day!!! It’s really crazy how much better I feel when I drink a gallon of water. I notice my mood is worse on the very few days where I miss the full gallon.

Better Sleep

According to the Sleep Foundation, “Going to bed even mildly dehydrated can disrupt your sleep. Surprised? Dehydration causes your mouth and nasal passages to become dry, setting you up for sleep-disruptive snoring and a parched throat and hoarseness in the morning.” In other words, being well hydrated helps you sleep throughout the night. I’ve been sleeping a lot better since increasing my water intake and it’s been blissful, to say the least.

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